Snorkeling in Antarctica: All You Need to Know

Snorkeling in Antarctica: All You Need to Know

August 16th, 2024 / Burnham Arlidge

While snorkeling is commonly associated with warm, tropical waters, it is also possible to explore the icy underwater world of Antarctica.

This experience offers an entirely different perspective of the continent, revealing a hidden realm teeming with marine life and stunning ice formations.

Currently, snorkeling in Antarctica is an exclusive activity offered by only one operator, making it a rare and extraordinary opportunity for the adventurous traveler.

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What to Expect When Snorkeling in Antarctica

A Unique Underwater Experience:

Snorkeling in Antarctica is unlike any other snorkeling experience on Earth. The water temperature hovers just above freezing, usually around 28°F (-2°C), and the visibility can be extraordinary, often exceeding 30 meters.

This clarity allows snorkelers to see the intricate details of icebergs, the movement of curious seals, and the occasional flash of fish or krill darting through the water.

The underwater landscape is as dramatic as the one above, with towering ice formations, floating sea ice, and a variety of marinne life that thrives in the cold Antarctic waters.

Marine Life You May Encounter:

Despite the extreme conditions, Antarctica’s waters are home to a surprising array of marine life. Snorkelers might encounter various species of seals and penguins.

However, it is not common to see large marine life. What is common is to see icebergs from underneath which is a very special experience. The ice seems to glow from within and snorkelers get a first-hand chance to see just how big they are beneath the surface.

The water is also rich in invertebrate life, such as starfish, jellyfish, and sea urchins. While not as colorful as tropical reefs, the marine ecosystem of Antarctica is uniquely adapted to its environment and offers an unparalleled opportunity for wildlife observation.

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Safety Considerations and Equipment

Staying Warm:

Given the extreme cold of Antarctic waters, staying warm is a primary concern. The dry suits provided are essential, as they prevent cold water from coming into contact with your skin.

These suits are layered over thermal undergarments, creating an insulating barrier that allows you to remain in the water for extended periods without discomfort.

Gloves, hoods, and thick socks are also provided to keep extremities warm.

Safety Measures:

Safety is paramount when snorkeling in Antarctica. Before entering the water, participants receive thorough instructions on how to use the equipment and what to expect during the excursion.

Guides are always present in the water, equipped with additional safety gear and communication devices to handle any emergencies. The operator also ensures that snorkeling takes place in safe, controlled environments where the risk of strong currents or dangerous wildlife encounters is minimal.

Participants should have a moderate level of physical fitness and be comfortable swimming in cold water.

Although the dry suits provide buoyancy, it’s important to be aware of the physical demands of snorkeling in such an extreme environment. Additionally, snorkelers are advised to move slowly and deliberately to conserve energy and prevent unnecessary exposure to the cold.

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Why Choose Snorkeling in Antarctica?

A Unique Perspective:

One of the main reasons to choose snorkeling in Antarctica is the unique perspective it offers.

While most visitors to Antarctica experience the continent from the deck of a ship or during shore excursions, snorkeling allows you to explore an entirely different aspect of this incredible environment.

The underwater world of Antarctica is as awe-inspiring as its landscapes, and snorkeling gives you the chance to witness it up close.

A Rare and Otherworldly Adventure:

Snorkeling in Antarctica is often described as an otherworldly experience. The sensation of floating among icebergs, with the eerie blue light filtering through the water, creates a sense of being in a completely different world.

It is an experience that few travelers will ever know or appreciate.

The silence of the underwater environment is broken only by the sounds of your own breathing and the occasional crack of ice. The sight of seals swimming gracefully by or penguins darting through the water adds to the surreal nature of the experience.

For the Adventurous Spirit:

If you’re someone who seeks out unique and challenging experiences, snorkeling in Antarctica is a perfect choice.

It combines the thrill of exploration with the serenity of being immersed in one of the most remote and pristine environments on Earth.

It’s an activity that pushes you out of your comfort zone, but the rewards are immense, offering a deep connection with nature and a sense of accomplishment.

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Who offers snorkeling in Antarctica?

Currently, snorkeling in Antarctica is offered exclusively by one operator, Aurora Expeditions.

Their snorkeling program is designed to allow travelers to safely explore the frigid waters of Antarctica while experiencing the underwater beauty of the continent.

Aurora Expeditions equips participants with specially designed dry suits that protect against the cold, as well as all necessary snorkeling gear, including masks, fins, and gloves.

Experienced guides accompany snorkelers on their excursions, ensuring safety and providing insights into the marine environment.

These excursions typically take place in sheltered bays and around icebergs, where the water is calm and the chances of encountering wildlife are higher.

Personal experience

I myself have snorkelled once in Antarctica and absolutely loved it. We had a playful fur seal visit us and swim all around us which was a real treat. We also saw multiple gentoo penguins swimming past us which was unforgettable. For me though, the best bit was simply seeing the icebergs from below. They seem to glow and become bigger and bigger.

I did feel cold towards the end, but not uncomfortably so. You are free to get out of the water at any point. The dry suits do really well, but I advise you to wear some long underwear underneath for extra warmth.

Posted on Aug 16, 2024

About the Author Burnham Arlidge

Burnham started his career as a professional tennis player before retiring due to injury. Since then Burnham has thrown himself into adventure travel. He has visited some of the most iconic and obscure parts of the planet - his most memorable experience is Antarctica!

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